Important Notice: 

Do Not Install Premium Themes and Dummy Content Over Existing WordPress Websites!

If your site's content is crucial to you, refrain from installing a premium theme and its dummy content over it. Each theme comes with its own builder and bundled plugins, making it impossible to seamlessly integrate with another builder and plugins automatically. This rule applies to all themes, with very rare exceptions where both the old and new themes share identical builders and plugins.


Here's what you should do instead:

1. Preserve Existing Content: If you wish to retain your current site's content until the new one is ready, set up a staging site. Install the new theme on a fresh WordPress installation and manually transfer the content to the new theme, page by page. Please note that this transfer process requires manual intervention and cannot be automated.

2. For Content-Free Site Migration: If you no longer need your existing site's content, use the WordPress Reset Plugin to reset the database for optimal performance with the new theme. Keep in mind that utilizing this plugin will result in the deletion of all current databases. The WP Reset plugin swiftly removes all content from your database, activates the default theme, deactivates plugins, and clears pages, posts, menus, sliders, widget data, theme options, etc.

Download WP Reset Here - WP Reset is the most advanced WordPress reset tool plugin available.

3. Resetting Due to Installation Corruption: If you're resetting the database due to a corrupted installation, take the following steps:

  • Deactivate all plugins before initiating the database reset.
  • After the reset, delete all plugins and the current theme.
  • Follow the installation guide to set up the new theme and import demo content as necessary.


By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new WordPress theme without compromising your site's content or performance.